Hysitron, Inc.
10025 Valley View Road
Minneapolis, MN 55344
Phone: (952) 835-6366
FAX: (952) 835-6166
E-mail: info@hysitron.com
Biomedical Field
Nanomechanical testing instruments
Manufacturing and Service
Products and Services
Nanomechanical testing instruments for biomaterials and other applications
- nanoTensile 5000
a state of the art tensile testing instrument
- the TriboScope® nanomechanical test instrument, a quantitative depth-sensing nanoindentation system
- the TriboIndenter® low load nanomechanical test system for measuring the hardness and elastic modulus of thin films and coatings
- nanoECR
, a nanoscale Electrical Contact Resistance tool
Testing services, consulting and training
Technical Support Contact