International Science & Technology Policy & Practice - InSTePP

Department of Applied Economics
University of Minnesota

218 Classroom Office Building
1994 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 612-625-8779
Contact: Philip Pardey, PhD, Director

InSTePP Homepage

Bioscience Field

Science and Technology Policy Development


InSTePP undertakes economic research and fosters professional dialogue to inform and thereby influence strategic policy choices and actions dealing with science and technology. The center deals with both the public and private dimensions of science and technology, and their implications for the conduct, performance and economic consequences of R&D worldwide.

Research Areas

InSTePP's operations are organized around specific research themes-each with its own set of research programs and projects, collaborating institutions and individuals, funding sources, and specific research and outreach objectives.

The Center's research focuses on (but is not limited to) the economics of science and technology practices and policies concerning the life sciences, especially the agricultural and health-related biosciences.

The Center's research is carried out by on-campus researchers and affiliates, most often in partnership with individuals and institutions elsewhere in the world. Research areas include:

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