Rasmussen Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Department of Medicine
Cardiovascular Division
University of Minnesota

Phillips-Wangensteen Bldg.
516 Delaware St.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 625-3600
E-mail: lhoke@umphysicians.umn.edu
Contact: Jay N. Cohn, MD, Director

Rasmussen Center Homepage

Biomedical Field

Cardiovascular disease prevention


Clinical services

Program services

The Rasmussen Center provides three distinct program services, including an initial and follow-up screening/evaluation, consultation and, if needed, intervention management.

The hallmarks of the Rasmussen Center include:

Screening Procedures

A complete screening takes between one to two hours. Other than blood sampling, the procedures are non-invasive, painless, require no preparation and take only a few minutes each.

Tests include the following package of services:

Screening Follow-up

Technical Support Contact